Data types are used in computer programming to specify the kind of data that can be stored in a variable. For effective memory consumption and precise computation, the right data type must be selected. Each data type has its own set of regulations and restrictions. There are fundamentally five data types in R. Though straight forward and obvious at first glance, they have a few surprises hidden in them. These elementary data types are: Numeric Integer Complex Character Logical These data types are often combined to form data structures. Let us explore the meaning of each data type in detail. Numeric Datatype in R Decimal values are called numerics in R. It is the default R data type for numbers in R. If you assign a decimal value to a variable x as follows, x will be of numeric type. Real numbers with a decimal point are represented using this data type in R. it uses a format for double-precision floating-point numbers to represent numerical values. # A simple R program # to illustrat...
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